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  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the mastodon.teia.art moderators.

  1. Read the Full Code of Conduct/Core Values/Terms & Conditions document here: https://github.com/teia-community/teia-docs/wiki/Core-Values-Code-of-Conduct-Terms-and-Conditions#code-of-conduct
  2. We do not condone harassment or abuse against any member in any community environment, online or offline, for any reason. Abusive actors can get banned from any Teia related spaces.
  3. Be civil and respect each other. Don't harass, impersonate, or belittle others. Respect each others personal boundaries.
  4. Don't post spam or vandalize the space.
  5. Look for ways to contribute and find positive solutions. Stay open minded and empathetic around areas of improvements. And take initiative to help out where you can.
  6. If you see something wrong, voice it and try to help people without a voice.
  7. Content warnings: Please post any content that may be deemed NSFW/disturbing behind mastodon's content warning feature to keep this place safe for all.